About Me

Ph.D. Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto (expected 2027);
B.Sc. Physics (Honours), Brock University (2022);
B.Sc. Mathematics (Honours) with minor in Physics, Brock University (2019);
B.Ed. Intermediate/Senior qualifications, Brock University (2019)

Research Interests:
Theoretical astrophysics, plasma astrophysics, relativity, galaxy evolution, Milky Way analogues

Personal Interests:
Reading, music, baking, my crazy cat Charlotte


Image Credit: EAGLE Simulations

CO Emission in FIRE-2
Advisors: Prof. Norm Murray
PhD Mini Project, May 2023 - August 2023, University of Toronto

  • Using CO as a tracer for H2 in GMCs in FIRE-2
  • Running post-processing code to calculate CO emission on high-resolution snapshot
  • Analyzing the results in comparison with observed data

Constraining Modified Gravity Theories with Milky Way Dynamics
Advisors: Prof. Jo Bovy
PhD Mini Project, September 2022 - April 2023, University of Toronto

  • Using real Milky Way data to constrain existing MOND theories for realistic environments
  • Implementing modified potentials in galpy to make predictions for new MOND models
  • Analyzing the results in comparison with pure CDM models

Characterizing Analogues of the Milky Way in Cosmological Simulations
Advisors: Dr. Ted Mackereth & Prof. Josh Speagle
Summer Undergraduate Research Program/Research Assistantship, Summer 2021 - Summer 2022, University of Toronto

  • Used Python and data from the EAGLE suite of cosmological simulations and Illustris TNG100 to identify and analyze Milky Way Analogues (MWAs)
  • Determined a "Milky Way-ness" parameter and studied its effect on various properties of the MWAs both at present-day and throughout their formation histories
  • Midterm and final presentations, academic poster, and research summary delivered to Faculty and interested public
  • Associated paper: SF-R you sure? The Conflicting Role of SFR in Constraining the Evolution of Milky Way analogues in cosmological simulations, in prep.
Poster, Research Summary

Exploring the Possibility of Faster-Than-Light Travel in Our Universe
Advisor: Prof. Barak Shoshany
Undergraduate thesis, October 2020 - February 2022, Brock University

  • Using Mathematica and General Relativity to investigate the possibility of Faster-than-Light travel
  • Extending the Alcubierre warp drive metric to 5 spacetime dimensions
  • Proposal, midterm, and final presentations to Faculty and interested public along with written thesis submission
  • Associated paper: Warp Drives in 5 Dimensions, in prep.


Discover the Universe - Education Content Creator (paid position; 2023 - present): Developing educational resources and training for teachers for the upcoming 2024 eclipse;
Adventures in Science – Project Mentor (2022 – 2023): Guided a group of high school students in developing a science project they will present to a group of elementary or middle school students;
Girls in STEM Workshop – Project Mentor (2022): Assisted with gravitational lensing workshop and telescope tour presented to middle school girls interested in science;
Scientifically Yours – Project Leader (2022): Designed and co-led Relatively Yours workshop – an introduction to Special Relativity and spacetime diagrams for high school students;
Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair – Judge (2019): Interviewed students and scored projects

Teaching Assistantships:
AST101: University of Toronto (Fall 2022);
AST201: University of Toronto (Winter 2022)

Public Teaching:
Secondary Math and Physics Teacher: Wembley High Technology College (2019 - 2020);
St. John Henry Newman CSS (2019); Cathedral High School (2018);
Private and Professional Tutor: Independent private tutoring (current);
Oxford Learning Centre (2017 - 2022)

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion:
Shutdown STEM workshop – Attendee (University of Toronto, 2021);
Diversity Issues in Schooling – Pre-Service Course (Brock University, 2018 - 2019);
SAFETALK Mental Heatlh Training - Attendee (Brock University, 2018)

Media Appearances:
SURP Student Spotlight;
MICA Project Interview